Tuesday, March 31, 2009

School subjectsI like math.
I do not like geometry.
I am good at biology.I am not good at geometry.
I am good at this subject, but I do not like it: English
I am not good at this subject, but I like it: biology

Activities I like basketball.I do not like golf.
I am good at throwing a football.
I am not good at dribbling the ball.
I am good at this activity, but I do not like it: running.
I am not good at this activity, but I like it: basketball.
I prefer being involved in group activities.

Relationships with friends and adults (check the statements that apply to you.)
I am generally well liked: yes
I am generally not well liked: no
I have a group of friends: no
I prefer having one or two friends: yes
I am a leader: yes
I am a follower:no
I prefer people who like the same things I like: no
I prefer people who like different things: yes
I have the support of significant adults in my life: yes
I have the support of a group of peers: yes

Food preferencesI like to eat McDonalds.
I do not like to eat sushi.
I do not eat a balanced diet.
Relaxing I love.
I relax by lying down and texting or on the phone.
I like relaxing alone.
After this activity, I always feel calm and peaceful. after i get through playing around.

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