Thursday, March 26, 2009

activity 1

A person returning to the office environment after a 30-yaer absence would have a difficult time coping with the changes that have taken place during that time. Changing technology would best describe the challenges facing today’s office worker.

Computers have replaced typewriters. Duplication methods have changed. Shorthand is an endangered skill wit h fewer and fewer office workers possessing it. And who had heard of the internet 30 years ago?

activity 2

1 Click the I-beam where you want the line spacing changed.
2 Select the option to change line spacing.
3 Specify the line spacing.
4 Begin or continue keying.

activity 3
well organized, and easy to read.
Finally, support your report with a list of references from which you paraphrased or directly quoted. Quoting or paraphrase-

activity 4

This example shows text that is not indented from the left margin. All lines begin t the left margin.

This example shows text that is indented from the left margin.
Notice that each line begins at the indentation point.

This example shows hanging indent. Notice that the first line
begins at the left margin, but the remaining lines begin at the
indentation pint.

activity 6

This is 10-point font size.

This is 14-point size.

This is 20-point font size.

activity 7

If you are writing and can’t think of the right word to use or are not quite content with the word you presently have down, you can use the Thesaurus to find words that have a comparable meaning(synonym). This can be a very important tool if you do a lot of writing for your occupation.

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