Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dixie quickly gave him two big prizes for completing a jump.
Dixie quickly gave him two big prizes for completing a jump.
I think the textbook (ISBN #0-538-64892-9) sells for $41.70.
I think the textbook (ISBN #0-538-64892-9) sells for $41.70.
Helene is to go downtown to do the map work for the auditor.
Helene is to go downtown to do the map work for the auditor.

TO: Drama Students

FROM: Ms. Fairbanks

DATE: November 1, 20--


There are three plays that I would like you to consider for next semester’s performance. They include:

The Importance of Being Earnest, a comedy written by Oscar Wilde. In the Play, Jack Worthing has a complicated courtship with Lady Bracknell’s daughter, Gwendolen. His ward, Cecily, has fallen in love with his friend Algernon.

A Delicate Balance, a comedy written by Edward Albee. The play is a funny look at love, compassion, and the bonds of friendship and family.

A Comedy of Errors, a comedy written by William Shakespeare. The play is about mistaken identities of twins.

I have placed copies of the plays on reserve in the library. Please look them over by November 25 so that we can discuss them in class that day. We will need to make a decision before December 1 so that I can order the playbooks.

TO: Office Staff

From: Jennifer Green, General Manager

Date: March 15, 2009


Rebecca Dunwoody has hired to replace Dewayne Hughes as our box office coordinator. Dewayne has decided to return to school to start work on a Master of business Administration. As you are aware, Dewayne has been a valuable asset to our organization for the past five years. It was not easy finding a person with similar qualifications to replace Dewayne. His enthusiasm and love of music, combined with a degree in music as well as a minor in business administration, made filling the job particularly difficult. However, we belive we were successful when we were able to hire Ms. Dunwoody. She is a recent graduate of NYC’s music program. While completing her degree, she worked as an assistant for the business manager of one of our competitors. Please extend your appreciation and best wishes to DeWayne before he leaves on March 30 and welcome Rebecca when she arrives on March 25.TO: Web Page Committee From: Niki Kazuhiro, ChairDate: CurrentSubject: WEBPAGE CREATIONAs we develop our Web page, we may want to review some of those developed by other symphonies. I have already look at several on Web. San Francisco’s was one that I felt we could model ours after.Thirs is clear, concise, and easy to navigate. In addition to the normal section, they have a section called “ More about the San Francisco Symphony.” Here they include such things as:1. A brief history2. the mission statement3. community programs 4. News items anout the Symphony To view their web page, go to http:// . I’ll Look forward to working with you at our Next committee meeting.

1 Zack had a pizza at the plaza by the zoo on a hazy day.
1 Zack had a pizza at the plaza by the zoo on a hazy day.
2 Bobby may be too busy to buy me a bag for my boat trip.
2 Bobby may be too busy to buy me a bag for my boat trip.
3 Ricky caught six cod to fix for the six excited scouts.
3 Ricky caught six cod to fix for the six excited scouts.
4 Wilda would like to own the own the doe she found in the woods.
4 Wilda would like to own the own the doe she found in the woods.
5 Evan will give us the van to move the five heavy boxes.
5 Evan will give us the van to move the five heavy boxes.
6 All four of us bought coats with fur collars and cuffs.
6 All four of us bought coats with fur collars and cuffs.
7 Eight men tugged the boat into deep water to get going.
7 Eight men tugged the boat into deep water to get going.
8 Marsha wishes to show how to make charts on a computer.
8 Marsha wishes to show how to make charts on a computer.
9 Ira can rise above his ire t rid the firm of a crisis.
9 Ira can rise above his ire t rid the firm of a crisis.
10 Josh quietly quit the squad after a major joint injury.
10 Josh quietly quit the squad after a major joint injury.
11 Kip packed a backpack and put it on a box on the porch.
11 Kip packed a backpack and put it on a box on the porch.
12 Lola is to wear the royal blue skirt and a gold blouse.
12 Lola is to wear the royal blue skirt and a gold blouse.
13 Many of the men met in the hall to see the new manager.
13 Many of the men met in the hall to see the new manager.
14 I worked 8:30 to 5 at 1964 Lake Blvd. From may 7 to 26.
14 I worked 8:30 to 5 at 1964 Lake Blvd. From may 7 to 26
15 I said, “ISBN #0-651-24879-3 was not assigned to them.
15 I said, “ISBN #0-651-24879-3 was not assigned to them.

As you work for higher skill, remember that how you key fast is just as important as how fast you key. How well you key at speed depends in major ways upon the technique or form you use. Bouncing hands and flying fingers lower the speed, while quiet hands and low finger reaches increase speed.

Few of us ever reach what the experts believe is perfect technique, but all of us should try to approach it. We must realize that good form is the secret to higher speed with fewer errors. We can then focus our practice on the improvement of the features of good form that will bring success.


Communication is the thread that binds our society together. Effective communicators are able to use the thread (communication skills) to shape the future. To be an effective communicator, one must know how to put words together that communicates thoughts, ideas, and feelings. These thoughts, ideas, and feelings are then expressed in writing or delivered orally. Some individuals are immortalized because of their ability to put words together. A few examples of those who have been immortalized are Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale, and Abraham Lincoln.Patrick HenryWords move people to action. Patrick Henry’s words (“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”) helped bring about the Revolutionary War in 1775.Nathan HaleWords show an individual’s commitment. Who can question Nathan Hale’s commitment when he said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”Abraham LincolnWords can inspire. The Gettysburg Address, delivered in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, inspired the Union to carry on its cause. Today many Americans, still inspired by Lincoln’s words, have committed to memory at least part of his address. “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war…”

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